Optimized Fuel Economy & Reduced Emissions

The Original Fuel Saving Tablet

MPG XtremeCaps is a company that is dedicated to providing a solution to the global issue of high fuel prices. With gasoline and diesel prices continuing to rise, people all over the world are feeling the impact on their wallets, their businesses, and their communities. In Europe, drivers are paying $10 to $12 a gallon for gas, while in Australia and Canada, prices are at $6 a gallon. Experts predict that within months, drivers in the United States will be paying $5 and even $6 per gallon. MPGXtreme has found a way to combat this rising trend by introducing the X-CAP, a caplet that can be added to your fuel tank to make your gas or diesel burn more efficiently. The X-CAP increases power, increases mileage, and saves you money on gas, making it a triple-play solution for high fuel prices. It not only helps optimize fuel consumption, but it also boosts octane, improves power and performance, while reducing emissions. Contact us today at (469) 816-0720 to talk about our solutions or visit our store page to order your MPG Caps. If you would like to become a preferred customer or an independent sales rep, we're here for you too!

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